Theme: " In the
world of fairy tales "Aim. To develop memory, shrewdness, ability to pass heopinions in conversation, bring up love to the books, carefulattitude toward them. To teach to respect good and true,contest with an evil and injustice.
Course classes
Today we have an unusual holiday. He is not in a calendar, but it is in a heart the souls of those peoplethat love fairy-tales.
It exists books much on earth.They interesting, wise, good.But each of us, adult or small To read a fairy-tale loves.A fairy-tale is the world magic and unusual A fairy-tale is a miracle full of beauty.Will submerge in a fairy-tale, the same soTwo/commands wished to participate in our quiz, it is acommand "Kolobok" and command "Glove". (Commands with emblems and already certain
captains ofcommands).
Task 1.In turn it is suggested to answer a question commands.For every right answer a command
gets one point.1.How did the mother of Ivasik Telesyk of call?
(Ivasik Telesyk, swim up to, swim up to to the bank. Will give toyou to eat, to drink and well take" place.)2.How did yell for help Cockerel of Furseal?
(Fox carriesme for the dark forests, after high of mountain, for the
nimble rivers! To the fur-seal, brother, save me"!)3.How did ask Ivasik Telesyk of goslings about a rescue?(Geese, goslings! Take me on крилята"!)4. How did Goat - Lycium be queath the young of wild animal, when sat in hare's house? (" I am a goat , a half-side is beaten, for three shocks bought! Dull - dull feet, willsplit off you horns, will trample down legs, by the tail of
snowdrift of here to you and
death.Task 2.How many beasts placed in a glove that was lost by a grandfather? To name he roes.
Answer. Seven heroes: a mouse , a frog,
a rabbit, a fox, a wolf, boar, a bear.
How many were beasts met on the way by Kolobok?
Answer. Four youngs of wild animal : a rabbit, a fox, a wolf, a bear.
How many heroes-personages do draw out a turnip?
Answer. Six heroes: grandfather, baba, grandchild,
dog, cat , mouse.
How many animals cleave to the straw bull-calf in a
fairy-tale the "Straw bullcalf"?
Answer. Four A wolf,a bear, a rabbit, a fox)
Task 3. "Guessing of riddles".An anchorwoman takes away a small box, where the littlefolias of paper lie with riddles (without solutions to a riddle!).The captains of commands in turn take out on one sheet andread a riddle aloud, addressing to her the rival. For everyright answer of captain a command gets one point.
1. Though for him and a fur coat isBut as a cold comesHe does not eat then, does not drinkAnd does not walk, does not go for a walkAnd in the den of sleep lies down. (Bear.)
2.I am ore, subzero heightSly I and long-tailed.On chickens I am very tasty -In them such delicious meat. (Fox.) 3.I have claws and long moustachesI and him am afraid ofBecause pinches, as if a goose.Well and call schypaku (Cancer)
1. Spoilt among nightIn a dark house yellow eyesAs though to the forest thre atening spirit -Sharp fangs, grey smouhaTo hunt a predator goesOn all forest points horror.(Wolf)
5.Pair of long earsGrey sheepskin jacket.Quick pobihaychykAnd her
name .(rabbit.)
6. Though for him and a fur coat is,And as a cold comesHe does not eat then, does not drink And in the den of lies down.(Bear)
Task 4. "Magic sac".
The members of commands in turn draw out objects from asac, name this object and what fairy-tale he meets in. (In a sac six -eight objects. .(egg, key, dish, straw, feather, boot,mitten.))
Task 5. To "name fairy-tales after illustrations to them".In good time on a board the prepared illustrations are to thefairy-tales. In turn do the members of commands showillustrations and assign: - Naming to what fairy-tale isrequired this illustration?
Task 6
. "Draw kolobok"
(Participants with the closed eyes draw Kolobok.
Teatcher. A fairytale is childhood of humanity and hiswisdom. Friends, read and listen fairytales, legends, songs,proverbs, saying, parables. Let them go on the world, let livein our midst, sow kindness and wisdom, teachas necessaryin sooth to live. It believes that for you to put, and for allchildren of our school, similarly near and native from
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